News- 2020-21

Glimpse of Academic Year 2020

Science Fair

Science has played a pivotal role in progression of today’s society; there is no bough of modern life that hasn’t been imbued by science.

With a view to encourage and inculcate scientific temper amongst the students, CHRIST ACADEMY organised an innovative way of conducting Science Exhibition through online in the current situation. A number of students from grades IV to VIII participated with great zeal and zest. The exhibits spanned all the three branches of Science- Physics, Chemistry and Biology

The students displayed their projects showcasing their scientific skills and creative thinking through self-designed working models, experiments and projects. Demonstrations and explanation were given by the participants and submitted in the form of video. The spectators and teachers were greatly impressed by their performance.

The event provided a platform for the budding students to express their creativity and gain confidence.

The school displayed all the submitted projects through online conducting Science Fair on 21st July 2020 and winners were announced. E-certificates and appreciation cards were given to the winners and shortlisted projects of Grade 6-8 . Appreciation cards were given to all submitted projects from grade 4 &5

Students, teachers, and parents attended the exhibition with great enthusiasm!

“Today’s Science is tomorrow’s technology”

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Laurels 2020-21- A celebration of our achievements

Laurels 2020-21, the annual prize day to felicitate Christ Academy’s academic toppers was held on March 13th . The programme began with the lighting of the lamp followed by an invocation to the almighty to mark the occasion. Rev. Fr. Dr. Babu Paul, Principal of Christ Academy Institute for Advanced Studies was the chief guest of the event. In his speech, He appreciated the students for their hard work and acknowledged the support and efforts of parents and teachers. Toppers of ICSE, CBSE and ISC and PUC were felicitated for their tremendous achievements. Rev. Fr. Joice, Principal of Christ Academy ICSE and Fr. Babu Paul felicitated the ISC toppers and centum students. Rev. Fr. Joshua, Vice Principal of Christ Academy felicitated the students who won the Excellent performance awards. Fr. Joice and Fr. Arun did the honours for ICSE and CBSE toppers. This was the first offline programme since the start of the pandemic and it was indeed a joyous occasion.

The staff and students of Christ Academy celebrated ‘Arunotsava’ the birthday of Rev. Fr. Arun on March 18th. The virtual celebration also included a warm welcome to Fr. Joshua, who has graciously assumed the office of Vice-Principal of Christ Academy ICSE. The festivities consisted of a dazzling array of cultural programs by ICSE, CBSE & Kindergarten students and faculty. Fr. Arun expressed his happiness and was moved by all the affection showered upon him.

The little Blossoms of Christ Academy pierced the darkness with the light they brought to La Esencia De La Vida-The essence of life. Blossoms and their teachers put on a spectacular show celebrating love, peace, joy and hope. Parents applauded the efforts put in by teachers to make online classes effective for their little ones. Rev. Fr. Arun graced the occasion and exhorted the young audience to make the most of their Family day.

The Buds of Christ Academy based their Family day ‘Aikyam’ a Sanskrit word meaning ‘togetherness’. The programmes depicted the love between children and their families.

CBSE students of grades 4 and 5 celebrated each value that constitutes 'RAIZ' strong family roots. Mrs. Helen John Manalil, a veteran teacher was the chief guest of the event. She spoke of the necessity of parents’ involvement quotient in the lives of their children. Each skit, song and dance performance elevated family values that strengthen families. The exuberant young MCs and all participants led the programme with finesse and made their families proud.

CBSE students of grades 6,7 and 8 of celebrated a vibrant and extraordinary virtual Family day celebration on January 30th. The chief guest of the day, Mrs. Marykutty Kuriakose, grandmother of Samuel from grade 6, gave a wonderful message about the value of teaching and learning. The programs were beautifully crafted and presented to highlight the theme- ‘Pranama Adhara Mama Kudumba-respect to elders.’ The sparkling myriad events included performances of the parents, dances, skit and music. Children displayed their talents with musical instruments, dancing and singing. Parents and teachers contributed to making the programme a resounding success.
Kannadave Nitya !!

Kannada Rajyotsava is always celebrated with pomp and show in our school. 2020 was no different. A host of colourful programmes were held online on November 7th to mark the occasion. We were honoured with the presence of Kannada crusader, thinker and former President of Kannada Sahitya Parishad for Southern Division Bangalore, Shri Nagalekha. The inaugural prayer was followed by a variety of dance performances and speeches. A beautiful patriotic Kannada song composed and presented by the Christ Academy team was presented and was received with immense joy. Even with the limitations of an online programme, the Rajyotsava celebration evoked a sense of pride, love and respect. The programme was greatly appreciated by patrons and dignitaries and concluded on a patriotic note.
Art Competition

On the occasion of inaugurating Rashtriya Swachhata Kendra (RSK), an online painting competition for school students of grades 6 to 8 was conducted on the theme 'Gandagi Mukt Mera Gaon' on 13th August by the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation. The Gandagi Mukt Mera Gaon campaign was scheduled between August 8th and August 15th . Approximately 74 students from grades 6, 7 & 8 students of Christ Academy CBSE participated in the competition.

Please click on the link below to view art entries by our students
International School Award (ISA)

Christ Academy is proud to announce that we have been bestowed with the prestigious International School Award (ISA) for a period of three years (2020-23) thereby gaining exposure to the international educational standards. The International School Award is awarded by the British Council to schools that engage the student body with an intent to foster international awareness within the classroom and school. Henceforth, the school can use the ISA kitemark to display on our school website and for all further communications. Our coordinators enthusiastically attended the British Council's special orientation workshops and certified workshops which constituted the ISA preparation.

The British Council approved seven projects each for our CBSE and ICSE schools respectively, to be undertaken during the course of the academic year 2019-20. ICSE students from Kindergarten to grade 9 actively participated in this project. The aim of the project was to upgrade their knowledge, creativity, and skillset to an international standard. These projects enabled students to build team spirit, be innovative and refine leadership skills.

The action plan designed for each project included activities like debate, quiz, fancy dress, group discussion, research work, model making, assembly, notice board, field trips, street play and so on, which enabled students to work together. Each of these activities had an integration of all the subjects.

One of the enthralling aspects of this project was the collaborative study with the partner schools from Kenya, Madagascar, and USA. ICSE schools each had 3 collaborative projects which were new experiences for both students and teachers. Students of grades 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 showed enthusiasm in gathering information and delving into research. The exchange of knowledge with respect to agriculture, architecture, and administration of the respective countries was enriching and the response and support from the partner schools was tremendously inspiring.

The activities were successfully executed with the cooperation and coordination of the students, the teaching and non-teaching staff, and the support of the management. The international standard was maintained in all the activities conducted.

Also we express our deepest gratitude to Dr. P.G. Sebastian, ISA coordinator for Christ Academy ICSE, Ms. Geetha Balan, Ms. Pratibha Baiju, Ms. Malathi, and Ms. Suma of Christ Academy, core committee members of ICSE. Last but not the least our thanks go out to Rev. Fr. Dr. Joice for his unconditional support and encouragement.
Literary Fest 2020…where talent meets opportunities

“Literature is a comprehensive essence of the intellectual life of a nation.”- William Shakespeare.

Christ Academy’s Literary club is a combination of literary and creative activities and competitions that serves as a platform to showcase the eloquence and creative talents of our students. The club inspires students to develop and hone their literary skills and enables them expand their horizons in the area of literature. Literary Fest 2020 held for CBSE students was an online, time-bound competition which commenced on July 10th and concluded on August 7th . Students of grades I to IX enthusiastically participated in an array of activities consisting of declamation, storytelling, recitation, puppet show, and writing competition.

To felicitate the immense talents of our young minds, a programme was organized and live streamed on You Tube on September 19th. Mr. Tony V Francis, author of ‘The Autograph Seeker’ and guest speaker at the event, shared tips with our students to improve their writing skills. The poetess, Ms. Vibha Purohit, enthralled the virtual audience with a recital of one of poems. Students had a glimpse of the best performances and a few noteworthy entries. Rev. Fr. Dr. Joice addressed the virtual audience and encouraged students to use their voices for the good of society.

Christ Academy students observed our nation’s 74th Independence day on 15th August as participants on a virtual platform. Our security staff proudly donned their uniforms and marched under the aegis of our glorious flag. Students, staff and parents watched online as Rev. Fr. Dr. Joice hoisted the tri-colour and led the school as they stood in unison to the rendition of the national anthem. Rev. Fr. Jose Nandhikkara was the chief guest of the programme and in his address to the audience, paid homage to our freedom fighters and Covid-19 warriors.

Christ Academy marked National Sports day by participating in the Fit India Freedom Run from 29th August to 10th September to encourage fitness and obtain freedom from obesity, laziness, stress, anxiety and disease; all of which are repercussions of the current pandemic. Students and parents showed their solidarity and support by attending the event online and also honour the birth anniversary of the hockey legend Major Dhyan Chand Singh who brought glory to India by consecutively winning gold at the Olympics. “It can be run anywhere, anytime!” was the notion that propelled this event which aims to fight the fear of the Corona virus. Instructions and guidelines were sent to students by email as to how to track and record their races and put them up for display on social media platforms.

Rev. Fr. Viju, Administrator, Christ Academy served as Chief Guest at the program and commenced the event by lighting the torch that was carried out by sports teachers and student representatives. Students were led in a solemn pledge to devote time to physical activity and sports and to contribute to the health and fitness of the nation. The event was graced by the presence of Rev. Fr. Dr. Joice, Rev. Fr. Davis, Rev. Fr. Antony, Rev. Fr. Lebin, Rev. Fr. Arun, Rev. Fr. Jose, and Rev. Fr. Jomon. The response from students and parents was phenomenal. More than 70 students participated in the event and our school’s efforts were acknowledged by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports.
Fun and Fitness

The 2nd edition of the Fit India School week was celebrated virtually from December 14th to 18th. This five-day program was intended to motivate students and parents to include physical activity and sports as an essential part of their everyday lives.

The competition was held grade-wise under five categories. Each category had different challenges such as family fun fitness, family yoga, rhythmic aerobics, rope skipping, essay and poem competition to participate in during the course of the five-day event. Approximately 260 students, parents and teachers participated in the event.

International Yoga Day

Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. - B.K.S Iyengar

As a consequence of changes in our world owing to COVID-19 and the disarray that it has caused to our routines and way of life, health has taken a backseat in our list of priorities. Cognizant of the importance of managing stress and anxiety and physical well-being, particularly in these trying times, our physical

education instructors released a video ‘Being Fit and Keeping Fit’ on June 21st to mark International Yoga day and to motivate and inspire our students to prioritise their health. Activities and competitions were organized for grades 6 & 7 and the response from students was overwhelming
Teacher’s Orientation Programme

The Covid-19 pandemic presented unforeseen challenges in our paths, but our teachers were quick to rise to the occasion and with the help of a very proficient IT department, they upskilled and brought themselves up to date with the latest e-teaching methods. An online Faculty Development Programme (FDP) was conducted and regular internal demonstrations were executed meticulously. In addition, 30 of our teachers attended an intensive training programme, Professional Online Solution for Teaching conducted by Rev. Fr. Sony Palathra CMI, Director of Christ Nagar College of Education, Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala. The teachers were trained in employing Google Classroom and Google Meet and obtained certificates for the same. A teachers’ orientation programme was organised on May 18th. It was conducted in slots categorised by subject over a period of two days, owing to the need for social distancing. Christ Academy ICSE and CBSE schools commenced online classes for grade 10 on April 27th and subsequently for grades 8 & 9 on May 3rd. Online classes commenced for grades 5, 6 & 7 on June 8th, but 5th grade classes had to be suspended to comply with government rules. They recommenced on July 3rd and subsequently for grades 8 & 9 on May 3rd. Online classes commenced for grades 5, 6 & 7 on June 8th, but 5th grade classes had to be suspended to comply with government rules. They recommenced on July 3rd.

Samarambh, Christ Academy’s virtual inauguration of the academic year 2020-21 was held on July 1st. It was a landmark in Christ Academy’s educational journey as online teaching across all grades was initiated. The official beginning of the academic year was marked by teachers with a welcome address to parents and the student fraternity. A video link with guidelines was created exclusively for parents to enable them to comprehend the structure and schedules for the online sessions and the mode of communication by which they would be notified. Our Principal, Rev. Fr. Dr. Joice, in his welcome address, lauded the efforts of parents, teachers and students for keeping the continuum of learning. In order to maintain the normalcy of school life on an online platform, students will henceforth receive a video link everyday consisting of a prayer, prayer song, thought for the day and news reading in the tradition of their daily assembly.

Environment Day- June 05, 2020

To sensitise students towards the importance of Environment, Christ Academy celebrated “World Environment Day on 5th June,2020. The entire program revolved around the theme :Biodiversit

We had a week filled activities exclusively for the celebration. Students from Grade 1-8 threw the light on importance of Biodiversity by various activities. Online quiz and debate session by Grade 9 & 10 elucidated the present environmental problems in our country and their solutions